Photography by Dustein Sibug

Photography by Dustein Sibug
World Of Emotions

Saturday, September 29, 2007

"Words that Lift's me Up"

"Words that Lift's me Up"

" Photography should not come from your head but it should come from your heart" Manny librodo

"Anybody can take pictures but not everyone can make image" Jay Tablante Fashion photographer

"Not everybody appreciates what you do, but I’ll tell the same thing to anybody --- don't be scared, it's what you want to present, you are not doing this for them but you are showing how you visualize a photo. Whatever floats your boat or make you happy, do it. You will be your worse critique. You will also learn from expanding your horizons and not limiting yourself to how others should see your photo." Parc cruz Creative portrait photographer

" You Can edit your photograph but you cantedit nor enhance the emotion of your subject"Dustein

Manny Librodo

Parc Cruz

Jay Tablante

Dustein Sibug (ahehehhe)

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